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Tuddsa n Yeɣlanen Yeddukklen

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Tuddsa n Yeɣlanen Yeddukklen

Hymn to the United Nations (en) Suqel
Isem amaddud
United Nations, 联合国, Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Организация Объединённых Наций, منظمة الأمم المتحدة, Organisation des Nations unies, Vereinte Nationen d Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych
Isem asgezlan 🇺🇳, ONU, OSN, UN, БДО, PBB, BM, FN, YK, ONU, ÜRO, PBB, ONU, ООН, VN, ONZ, ANO, UN, UN, VN, 国連, או"מ d ONI
Anaw tuddsa tameynabḍant d organisation internationale (fr) Suqel
Tamurt Iwunak Yeddukklen n Temrikt
Tasnakta internationalisme institutionnel (fr) Suqel
Amur seg Anagraw n Yiɣlanen Yeddukklen
Aselway António Guterres (fr) Suqel
Amaray amatu António Guterres (fr) Suqel
Agmam n tmetti
Asutel amatu New York
Forme juridique (fr) Suqel tuddsa tameynabḍant
Asnulfu 1945
Imeddez Société des Nations (fr) Suqel
Awards received

Tuddsa n Yeɣlanen Yedduklen (neɣ Iɣlanen Yeddukklen) d tuddsa tagraɣlant iqeddcen i lmend n tallalt (wemɛawen) gar tmura deg yinurar n usaduf (lqanun), n teflest, n tdamsa, n tmetti yakk d izerfan n wemdan akked tmuski n telwit deg umaḍal. Tuddsa ayyi sbedden-tt-id deg useggas n 1945 assmi ifuk wemsenɣi amadlan wis sin deg yideg n Temɣunt n Yeɣlanen i lmend n usebded (weḥbas) n yimenɣi gar tmura. Ass-a, llant 192 n tmura yettekkan deg Tuddsa n Yeɣlanen Yeddukklen. Tuddsa-a tla (tesɛa) daɣen aṭas n tuddsiwin yeqqnen ar ɣur-s, yal yiwet tqeddec deg wenrar-iss.

Ammas n Yeɣlanen Yeddukklen yezga-d deg temdint n New York deg tmurt n Yiwunak Yeddukklen.

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