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Amyannan umsqedac:Byrial/Archive 1

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This page is an archive. Do not edit the contents of this page. Please direct any additional comments to the current talk page.

Azul, anṣuf yis-k ar Wikipedia! Tanemmirt ɣef tikkin inek(m). Ssarmeɣ ad tḥemleḍ amkan-agi u ad teqqimeḍ. Haten isebtaren a k-ɛawnen akken ad tessneḍ kter ɣef Wikipedia:

G leɛnayek, sinyi isem-ik(m) s (~~~~) deg isebtar "amyannan"; lemmer tesɛiḍ asteqsay mmeslay yid-iw. Agurzil 15:00, 31 Yulyu 2007 (UTC)

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