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Aɣṛab n Berlin

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Aɣṛab n Berlin
Berliner Mauer
Antifaschistischer Schutzwall
frontière interallemande
rideau de fer
Awanek anayanLalman
Siège du gouvernement (fr) SuqelBerlin
Coordinates 52°30′16″N 13°26′28″E / 52.5044°N 13.4411°E / 52.5044; 13.4411Coordinates: 52°30′16″N 13°26′28″E / 52.5044°N 13.4411°E / 52.5044; 13.4411
History and use
Construction of the Berlin Wall 13 Ɣuct 1961

Chute du Mur de Berlin 9 Wamber 1989
Anemhal République démocratique allemande (fr) Suqel
Yettusemma ɣef Berlin
Material(s) béton armé (fr) Suqel
Teflel 3,6 m
Tiddi (tusnakt) 155,000 meters
Offical website

Aɣṛab n Berlin (S Telmant: Berliner Mauer) yella d aɣṛab ɣezzifen ibeṭṭu Berlin ar sin n izegnan (asemran d utrim) d tamiwin i d-yezzin deg Lalman tasemrant. Iswi deg tmuski-ynes (lebni-ynes) d asersi n tilas n tukkit gar n Berlin d Lalman tasemrant. Tamuski-ynes tessenta (lebni-ynes yebda) deg wass n 13 ɣuct 1961. Dɣa yettwasses (yettusejhed) aṭas n tikwal maca yeldi deg wass n 9 wamber 1989 sin akin yettwadrem s talɣa tazun-midt.[1][2][3]

Azal n 3,5 n imelyan seg Lalman tasemrant sizdwen ɣef tkerfiwin n yinig id yettusefken seg tkura tasemrant send n usbeddi n weɣṛab d beṭṭu ɣef Lalman Tamegdayt anda aṭas deg-sen zegren tilisa gar n Berlin tasemrant ar Berlin tutrimt acki syinna zemren ad inigen ar Lalman tutrimt d tmura n Uruppa tutrimin niden. Aɣṛab-a amzun (meḥsub) yegdel yall talɣiwin n yinig. Gar n iseggasen n 1961 d 1989 azal n 100,000 n yimdanen urmen (ɛerḍen) ad rewlen seg Berlin tasemrant dɣa ugar n 5000 deg-sen ssawṭen ad rewlen sufell n weɣṛab deg wakud anda i yukksen (mmuten) gar n 136 ar ugar n 200 deg-sen.[4]

Tazrart d umsedfer n tegrawliwin deg tkura n iwunak isemranen yudsen deg useggas n 1989 (aladɣa di Pulunya d Hungarya) glant-d s tegrawt n yenttagen deg Lalman tasemrant ayen yewwin di taggara ar tukksa n weɣṛab-a. Deg wass n 9 wamber, seld n waṭas n imalas n irwayen iɣaṛimen, adabu n Lalman tasemrant yelɣet-d d akken yakk iɣeṛmanen n Lalman tasemrant zemren ad rzun w ad ddun ar Lalman tutrimt d Berlin tutrimt anda aṭas n yimdanen seg Lalman tasemrant zegren aɣṛab-nni s walluy akken i zegren iɣeṛmanen n Lalman tutrimt ar wamur asemran deg yiwet n tegnit n usfuggel.

Tizegrawin timaddudin d usemres-nsent

[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]

Tamuɣli tamazrayt

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Tamuski n weɣṛab

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Idlisen fell-as

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Deg tsekla

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Ẓeṛ daɣen

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