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Tafelwit n Sadak deg Unadi ɣef Waman n Tuttut, s umekla n umsuneɣ n tmurt n Unegliz John Martin. Deg usalay n tẓuri n Saint Louis.

Tuttut neɣ Tittin neɣ Tatut d anekcum ɣer tegnit n teẓli (weɛraq) tamaskadt neɣ d tasremt n isalan yettwaffren deg unecfu azegrar mi ara ad yarem ad ten-id-yerr. Tagnit-a tettili d taṛmadt neɣ d tafarayt. Seg tama niḍen, tuttut tettalel deg ussefses n tuqqna d tuffra n yisalan imaynuten yakk d tussna tamzikt.[1] Maca seg tama niḍen, tgellu-d s kra n wuguren di tudert n yalass, acku yal mi ara ad irennu waddar n wemdan trennu yid-s tuttut, anda ttuguten wuguren n unecfu d welmad, akken i d-tettedras (tettenqas) tezmert ɣef taggaẓt d tuffra n yisalan imziken.[2]

Tawuri[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]

Iminiren[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]

Ẓeṛ daɣen[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]

  1. Mondesire, S., & Weigand, P. (n.d.). Forgetting Classification and Measurement for Decomposition-based Reinforcement Learning. . Retrieved May 5, 2014, from Archived 2019-01-01 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Maddox, G. B., Balota, D. A., Coane, J. H., & Duchek, J. M. (2011). The role of forgetting rate in producing a benefit of expanded over equal spaced retrieval in young and older adults. Psychology And Aging, 26(3), 661-670.